Biography of
Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Noble Darryl R. Smith 33°
Imperial Deputy of the Desert of Ohio
February 9, 2023
Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Noble Darryl R. Smith, the oldest son of Mr. & Mrs. John R. and Ida B. Smith, was born in Dayton, Ohio. He attended Dayton Public Schools and graduated from Patterson Cooperative High School. He is a 64 year member of Corinthian Baptist Church.
Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Smith attended Sinclair Community College majoring in Commercial Art Technology and Business Law. He attended the Columbus State University and received a Certificate
Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Smith retired from Five Rivers Metro Parks. He was a Park Manager for Adventure Central (a partnership with Ohio State University and 4-H Youth Development) and Wesleyan MetroParks. He is currently serving as one of three City of Dayton Ohio Civil Service Board Commissioners.
Within his community, Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Smith currently serving as a City of Dayton Civil Service Board Commissioner, Associate Director of Wright Dunbar Credit Union, former member of the Montgomery County Democratic Executive Committee. He served as a Certified Mediator for the City of Dayton Mediation Center and served as a member of the Community Relations Council. He is an alumni member of the Gemological Institute of America and the Riverbend Arts Council. He is an Honorable Kentucky Colonel, an Honorary Member of the Negro History Club of Alliance, Ohio; Past Chairman of the First Dayton Little League Complex Board. Served as an Adult Advisor to Adventure Central Youth Philanthropy Board Five Rivers MetroParks, a member of OPRA (Ohio Parks & Recreation Association, and a member of NRPA (National Recreation & Park Association).
Member of Equity Lodge No. 121 for 41 years; Past Worshipful Master-1990; member Equity Chapter No. 102 Order of the Eastern Stars.

61st Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Free & Accepted Masons. Past Elected Right Worshipful Grand Trustee at Large of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Free & Accepted Masons.
Past Vice President of the Midwest Conference of Grand Masters and Matrons
Past Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio Free & Accepted Masons.
Past Honorary Imperial Potentate, Past Honorary Past Potentate, Past Imperial Deputy-At- Large; Legion of Honor recipient, currently serving as the Imperial Deputy of the Desert of Ohio A.E.A.O.N.M.S., Inc. Currently serving as the First Vice President of the Midwest Shrine Coalition of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine North and South America Inc.

Past Excellent High Priest Mount Horeb Chapter #32 Royal Arch Masons
Past Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Most Excellent Prince Hall Grand Chapter Royal Arch Mason of Ohio
Currently serving as Eminent Commander of Boone Commandery #27 of the Ohio Prince Hall Grand Commandery Knights Templar

Past Thrice Illustrious Master of Brown-Burkes Council #14 Royal and Select Masters
Past Honorary Grand Thrice Illustrious Master of the Most Illustrious Grand Council Royal and Select Masters.
Lifetime Member of the United Supreme Council Northern Jurisdiction 33°. Currently serving as Secretary of the Ohio Commanders of the Rite.
Honorary Past Imperial Potentate Smith’s greatest role model is his father Grand Inspector General John R. Smith, 33° and Past Master of Equity Lodge No. 121 -1968 (Charter Member)
Illustrious Smith is married to the former Medoria L. Nalls. They together have One Son Darryl R. Smith, II and Five Daughters Dionna N. Smith/Blake (Son-in-law Courtney Blake), Dominique F. Smith, Sharail M. Nalls, Shereka M. Nalls, Shendorah M. Nalls/Fisher (Son-in-law Anthony Fisher), Granddaughters Cameryn Ryan Blake, Sharia M. Nalls, Ariel Oxner, Sky Noel Smith and Grandsons Dallas Drapper-Smith, David Oxner I, Darryl R. Smith III, Emmanuel Rogers, Jr., Deon Beamon, Courtney Blake, II, James P. Shanklin, III, William D. Nalls-Oliver, and Storm Aiden Smith, Great Grandsons Jayden Oliver, Djion Oliver and Kia’Lani Shanklin